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The attraction between man and horse.

We all make stages in our lives. This is part of our growth proces. As a result we formed stronger or weaker.


Everyone has their own character and we all have our own learningprocess. This process can be both physical and mental. Think back to the period when you have gotten your horse.

What played there in your live during this period? Were you sick, or are you become ill shortly before or after it? Or are you emotionally not so strong and would you like to be more confident? Or maybe you’re a bit brighter and harder or stiffer in dealing with people or do have no patience?

So there are plenty of examples. Everyone has their own learning in life. If we choose our horse the horse acts for us like a big mirror. Then begins the phase to get to know the horse and we go with the horse. But then..... In many cases people learn from their horse and can therefore well be with eachother and grow together with their horse and the connection is getting stronger and stronger. As a result we are helped in our healing process. BOTH MAN AND HORSE.

As an example, you have a horse who is ’testing’ you while working with him. He always pulls itself loose and you will be angry. Quite nasty situation, but your frustrated and you asks why he ever does. After everytime you go tackle him harder because he should not and should just listen.

’’What does this say about you in combination with your horse?’’

If you take the time to listen and watch your horse, you can find the answer. You have to want to do this of course and open. In this case the horse is saying to you, that he will find you heard to deal with and he prefer it if you could stay softer and not getting so angry is if something does not go well.

You can do two things there, or you keep continue and the situation is getting worse and the horse is depicted as dangerous or unmanageable.

Take it from me that the situation is going to be more violent and the horse itselfs on multiple fronts is shielding or become more agressive. If this happens then both of you don’t grow at the positive in life and in many cases ends the horse in sale.

But you also want to work together so that you can learn from each other and as a result grow a great connection. If you want to work, than you will in this case have to learn to be gentle and patient cultivation. Sure we have to stay consistently, but this can be done in a gentle way.

’’EVERYONE MEETS HIS OWN HORSE ON THE PATH OF LIVE, WHICH GIVES US THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW.’’ IT IS UP to US to the WAY LESSONS FROM LIFE,.......or to continue on the old way and so to linger in our personal growth. Up to you what you want to achieve in your life.

Sandra Amor Fati Equine.

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