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Message from the horse : Tango

Read a beautiful conversation between Tango my horse and animal interpreter Kitty de Jong.

Tango was been asked what issues he wanted to discuss.

The horse as a production theme. The horse is a beast of burden. Formely a horse was seen to pull heavy loads, or to transport people. By land and by water. Men and horses have started to work with each other because this was useful for both parties. For horses it was useful not to fast as prey. They were looking for in the beginning first protection in humans. But the humans had, off course, a long term plan.

‘’ How do you mean Tango?”

The horse is a divine animal, many people are not aware of it. Horses are a direct connection between the Earth and the cosmos. We are here as beings to bring people closer to their core. At core I mean, their own divinity, their own light. The men is absolutely deviaded from their path and has no idea who he is. Only when he dies, he sees in who he is. It is now starting to come back a bit, and just in time with some luck. The earth sighs and supports by men. The men screwed up his own living environment and of all living things. That is because he really doesn’t remember who he is. We the collective of animals and especially the race horse, has looked at how the men in the past on our backs and our backs blood has been shed (the battles) during the wars.

”What do horses feel of the equestrian, there is now a lot of to do the games in Rio?”

Some horses love it, and they are ending at the top. There are also horses who find it less, but they do it for their man. Or because they want people to understand, get more insight. As in people around the discussion is starting. We put you guys to feel.

” How come that many people in the horse world seem so hard?”

Feeling shut them down, I call it. They are usually people who have their ego. Or who think that a large animal needs a hard and rigorous approach. This is based on fear. Such a thing of ”great horse/ great men”. In reality such man is insecure.

Tango, ”What did you mean by ” beast of burden”?

It feels to you or this two fold mean. As beast of burden we also carry the emotional burden off the man. There are also the most psysical disorders. People need to watch out as they reach their horse out there.

”Tango do you want to say something to Sandra?”

Yes offcourse. (His heart went totally open). She is my angel, my love , my unit. Without het I would not be able to communicate with you. I too had a nasty time in my life. Frustration and lovelessness. I’ve really done my best to help my previous man with the opening of her heart, but that didn’t work. At Sandra, I love her very much and I love the way she deals with me. Thank you dear Sandra. We horses want to teach people to stay in their own energy and to feel and to deal with themselves and their horses from their innerselves.

I would like to thank Kitty de Jong for this beautiful converstion with Tango.

Sandra Amor Fati Equine.

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